Campaign Dashboard

You can access the Campaign Dashboard by clicking the Manage Campaigns button on the left side bar which you can see below:

The Campaign Dashboard was designed to give you a real time view of all of your campaigns. The Dashboard is broken down into the following columns:

  • Status — Whether your current campaign is Enabled/Disabled
  • Campaign Name —- What you've named the campaign
  • Portal ID — The HubSpot Portal ID you've associated the campaign with
  • Codes Created — The number of codes that have been created within a campaign
  • Codes Issued — The number of codes you've sent to users
  • The progress bar — A visual representation of the number of codes you've sent vs how many are left
  • Codes Left — The number of codes that are remaining in the campaign that have not been sent
  • View Campaign — The link to allow you to see more details about each campaign
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